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Our SEO Services

We work vigorously to get you clients from Google and other search engines. Whether you have a new site, already possess an established site, or need a completely new site on the internet, we have what you need to get your business found on the web. We have extensive knowledge in the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) field and we are 100% passionate to integrate this experience for your business.

Why Choose Our SEO Services?

Our Search Engine Optimisation Services are considerably lucrative. With our Newcastle SEO team, you can only expect efficiency, quality and Google friendly optimisations. Plus our SEO Consultants are just a call or email away if you need any help. Don’t be afraid to have a chat about what we can do before you purchase any of our services.

What’s the big deal with “SEO”?

Well to put it as plainly as possible, SEO is the art of getting more traffic to your website. When you get more visitors to your site, that’s more traffic and that turns into views, comments, followers, shares and ultimately more sales or leads for your business. Our goal is to help businesses rank up and get more traffic from search engines like Google to get more sales or leads. We employ freelancers to help propel you business online to new heights.

We can’t guarantee your website will get the 1st spot on page 1 of Google search results. This heavily depends on competition, but we will work tirelessly to get you increased rankings aiming for the first position. We’ve done it before; we’ve ranked websites up to the first spot of Google in 12 months. The thing is, it hugely depends on the amount of competition websites, the competitions team & expertise, their SEO strategies and marketing budget.

Monthly Subscription

We provide customers a fair price that won’t incur any hidden fees. We charge a rate of $149.99 a month and this provides you

  • Google My Business Listing (if you don’t already have one).
  • On-Page SEO Analysis, Suggestions and Editing (1 page per month)
  • 2 Local Directory Backlinks
  • 1 High Quality Link from Relevant Site (to your choice of URL, can be changed each month)

Each month we will provide the services above on repeat. We will inform you when we have stopped/started the service. Over time, obtaining links from other websites will be limited, when this happens we will also inform you.

Our promise to you and your business:

  • Increased Rankings or Money Back
  • High Quality Backlinks
  • On & Off Page Optimisations
  • Monthly Rank Report
  • On Time and on Budget
  • Real Focus on Customer Satisfaction

We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

What is Rank?
Rank in the land of internet marketing is a term used to give the position of a website on a search engines results. For example, Google has 10 results per page, when someone searches something, 10 website results come up, whichever the first website is, they are rank 1.
What makes us different?

We apply tried and true SEO techniques that adhere to the Google Webmaster guidelines. We implement the best SEO practises only and we stay up to date with Googles constantly changing algorithm. You wont be penalised for any dodgy black hat tactics that attempt to cheat Google with us. Our search engine optimisation Newcastle services are %100 black hat free.

We take pride in every step we take online and carefully rank your website up using only white hat techniques. No black, not even grey. Just clean and pure long lasting white hat SEO methods. The kind that gets you high rankings on the search results.

What is Black Hat Marketing?
Black Hat marketing essentially means using unethical methods or hacks to gain rankings on search engines. This type of marketing is banned by Google and we do not condone it. Black Hat Marketing is a sure fire way of getting kicked out of the search results for good if you get caught.
Black Hatters as they term themselves use computer systems to generate mass amounts of clicks, spam comments, emails, links etc to promote a website, product or service.
A Black Hat marketer can manipulate the search engines to bring up results that aren’t exactly what your looking for on Google per se. You might be searching for a 5 star restaurant on Google but then on the first spot, it’s a website selling lava lamps or lingerie-completely unrelated to your search.
Black Hatters have died off quite a bit though as search engines have patched most of the exploits of this type of marketing. By regularly updating the algorithm, search engines have been able to better prevent this type of activity.
What is White Hat Marketing?
White Hat marketing is the ethical practise of gaining search engine ranking by being trust worthy, knowledgeable, reputable, engaging etc. Your aim is to keep visitors on your site by having great content. It helps if you have an eye for detail so you can design your page in a way that keeps users more engaged. You can alway come back and edit later as you test out different page ideas to get the best conversions.
White Hat marketers generally build websites that puts the customer first. They research customer buying intent and customise content to suit the demand. White Hat marketers usually write informative pages or posts targeting keywords that pair with the business they’re promoting.
Google & other local listings websites, link building, email outreaching, good content creation, promotion (physical or online) are just some of the things an ethical White Hat marketer can do.

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